Monday, July 13, 2009

That is Me

I was not in an accident of any kind

I did not fall and hit my head

yet, I could not remember

There was no reason for it

It was a mystery

An unexplainable phenomen

How I lost my memory

I did not forget everything

But what I did forget

I forgot completely

I knew my name

but I did not know who I was

I could say my alphabet

and even sing a song I had not heard since high school

it was my family 

that was foggy

oh, not my children

it was my father

For a time I forgot

But now I remember

For a time amnesia ruled my decisions

But now I know without question

For a time I wandered lost

But now I know who I am

I am the daughter of God Himself

A child of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

That is me

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