Sunday, July 5, 2009

Just A Kiss

“It’s just a kiss”

Just a kiss you say?

In a kiss belies your spirit.

In a mother’s kiss is the power to take away your pain.

A mother’s kiss has the power of a tranquilizer,

Soothing the cares of the world and 

Sending young souls off to dream 

Of super powers and fantastic voyages.

A mother’s kiss tells you

You are worthy of love

Giving you the confidence to face the world.

Stolen kisses of youth

Ignite feelings unbeknownst before

Feeling your body’s response as your lips meet

Trailing kisses that linger long after they occur

Burning into your flesh like a brand

Never to be forgotten

A kiss can make a good lover

A great lover

After all, a kiss is where it all begins

And a kiss is where it ends

A kiss can say hello, goodbye, I love you, 

I wish the best for you

I am beside you and even

I hate you

Just a kiss tells a story better then words

Words can lie

Words can deceive

But you know in a kiss

A brush of the lips that let you know

You didn’t measure up

And you know that is your last meeting

Even if unspoken

Hungry, passionate kisses that say

I want you

Light, tender kisses that tell you

The giver wants only the best and brightest for you

Then there are those kisses

Oh, those kisses

Those kisses that start slowly


Eyes gazing into you

A parting of the lips

Still gazing

Indelibly marking themselves on your mind

Those kisses that surpass the barrier

Of human flesh

Those kisses that intertwine souls

Those unmistakable kisses that say

I love you

Just a kiss?

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