Sunday, July 5, 2009

My Love For You

My love for you is able to encompass all that you are

We are complex creatures

bringing with us multiple facets of our makeup

I see all sides of you

And love them without question or doubt

You are my sun and my moon

I see you in everything I do

everywhere I go

I feel you beside me throughout each day

Your words echo in my thoughts

My darling

My love will encompass all that you are

I need you to know

I need you to believe

I want to show you my love

I want to be your comfort, your support

your encouragement, your sounding board

your lover, your friend

I want to be the one to hold you when you hurt

the one to wipe your brow when you are sick

the one to listen to your hopes and dreams

as well as your fears and frustrations

My love encompasses all that you are

and I am here for you 

no matter how small or how great the need

and even

if you don't need me at all

I will be here

loving you

with a love deeper then the sea on which you sail.

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