Sunday, July 5, 2009

Proud To Be An American

Oh beautiful, for spacious skies, o'er amber waves of grain. O'er purple mountains majesty above the fruited plain. America, America, God shed His grace on thee. And crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea.....

Why is that we can't learn from history? 

God's grace is no longer on this country. Make no mistake about that. 

We were a great country founded on Christian prinicples. We were a force to be reckoned with and respected. God shed His grace on the United States for many years but that grace has worn thin as we have trampled upon it.

Let me remind you of a people that were God's own - the Israelites. God in His graciousness and goodness led them out of slavery and into the promised land of Caanan. Sounds like a wonderful story however, this journey into Caanan left them wandering in the wilderness for forty years. Forty long years of abandonment and isolation. One may wonder how a loving God could do this to His people. The answer is their impatience to reach their destination they took matters into their own hands and lost their faith. God's people chose to worship idols rather then their sustainer and as such lost His sustenance. They had free will as we do. Their free will led them away from God and He gave them what they desired at that time.

Has not our nation as a whole turned it's back on God? We have effectively removed Him and his presence from our schools, sanctioned sinful and errant behavior..... America the Beautiful is not sung anymore. It contains the word "God" and is not even taught to our children in school. God is good and He will give us the desires of our heart. If we as a country desire to remove Him - He is removed. I dare to speculate that a country that has never known God is better off than a country who has known the goodness of the Lord and then turned on Him collectively as a nation. Do not be fooled here - we will pay a very high price for this the ultimate act of treason against our maker.

Brace yourselves....don't be taken by surprise when the anvil falls as it most surely will.

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