Sunday, July 5, 2009

Moving Forward

Moving forward is so difficult when you do not know your destination

Placing one foot in front of the other sometimes is the hardest motion

I know I cannot remain in this place

I know there is something calling to me in the distance

I only wish I knew what it was

I only wish that the familiarity of it would allay my fears

Sometimes I just have to close my eyes and walk

Sometimes I have to trust my instinct which drives me onward

If there was a light, a beacon illuminating my path

If there was a voice calling to me, "come this way"

Then could I move forward in confident peace

Then could I progress even if slowly toward my goal

But that is not to be

There is no guide

Just the ever present feeling that somewhere


in the distance

there is something better

So, my journey continues

Would you dare to walk with me?

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