I love these shoes.....but I can't love you......My heart is empty......when you speak into it all you will hear is your own voice echoing back......I think maybe it's defective......or maybe it's just been wounded too many times......I don't know.......Sometimes I think maybe it is filling back up......but then I find that I was wrong......It just keeps emptying.....Like a slow bleed.
I have faith that I will wake again tomorrow.....but I don't have faith in you.....I had faith once.....it is a vague recollection......I think it felt good.....but I'm not really sure.....I know it disappeared.....and there is no trace of it now......I'm not even sure where I kept it anymore....it went away so slowly I didn't notice.... like a slow bleed.
I hope I have a good day.....but I don't hope to be with you.....not anymore.....I think I had hope once.....but it too disappeared.....where do these things go.....one day you look and they're just gone.....and you can feel life sucking your breath from you.....like a slow bleed.
So, I read your post on Resurrection and now begin here. Interesting that both have so much to do with faith - here faith in a person, a few days ago faith in a God. How different these two are. What will I discover as I read about you, Laurie?