I bared myself to you.....
I showed you the real me. You heard my hopes, dreams, fears, joys and my past. You watched as I cried for both joy and pain. You saw me laugh, smile and dance. You saw me on my good days and my bad days. I never hid anything. I never tried to be something I am not. There was never a pretense between us. Just me, being me, loving you.
I bared myself to you.....
I unveiled my heart. I had it buried deep before you came along. I will never understand why I was so quick to give something away that I had kept so protected for so long. But I did. Willingly and happily, I handed it over to your care. Knowing that it was safe with you. Knowing that you would cherish it.
I bared myself to you.....
I gave you my body. Standing there with my insecurites raging, you said, "it's okay, I love you". As the robe dropped and I felt the chill in the room, my heart raced as a rush of acceptance flowed from you and my fears faded. Any thought I had of not being good enough was then quickly replaced by my passion for you.
I bared myself to you.....
I let you see every facet of me. Unashamed, because I felt comfortable with you from the begining, safe, secure and loved. I happily shared who I was completely. How could you truly love me, if you didn't truly know me? With that knowledge, I allowed you into my private world.
I bared myself to you.....
I extended my spirit, my soul and my body to you. I gave you my love, my tears and my laughter. I gave my all, everyday.
I bared myself to you.......
and now I am naked, cold and alone.
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