Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Chest Master



Oh, you are the chess master.

You plan your moves so carefully.

No one can beat you.

You neatly set the board,

taking care to position each piece perfectly in its' place.

First to go.....

the pawns.

You wanted them at first.

But they were readily expendable.

A sacrifice you were willing to make to reach your end.

They looked so nice lined up at the beginning of the game.

but you despised their insignificance.

Oh, Chess Master....

Was I your pawn?

Did you use me to promote your win?

Was I that easily expendable?

Did you sacrifice me to win?

This pawn breathes

this pawn screams in pain

this pawn hurts and bleeds

Oh, Chess Master....

You are great

but don't forget your humanity

to play the game.

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