I didn't have any self-worth growing up, especially by the time I hit high school. I didn't think I mattered in the least.
I have written before about my childhood and how I really wasn't a person but more of an object. I got in the way like an object, I was used like an object and I was expected to shut up.... like an object. The sad thing was that I didn't cry over my childhood much because it was normal for me. I didn't know any better, it was what I thought I deserved. I truly believed at each instance of molestation or each beating that it was my fault, that somehow I brought it on myself. I even blamed myself when I was raped thinking if I had not been where I was, had I not been wearing the clothes I was wearing, etc. And I perpetuated the problem by going on to marry an abuser.... he fit right in with what was "normal" to me.
Just recently I have reconnected with old friends from high school online. I never kept in contact with anybody from school. One of the idiosyncracies I developed throughout life with my view of myself has resulted in me not being a very good friend. I don't trust people enough to truly let them become part of my life so, I am very warm, loving and kind until they get too close, then I back away. I looked over my life many times and realized that I don't bond with people like others and have felt that I am somehow deficient. But then again, my life has been completely filled with motherhood so, perhaps I have a good reason for not investing so much into friendships. I am getting a bit off-track but, thanks for sticking with me, I do have a point to make.
In connecting with my old friends I have had several tell me that I was special to them. One boy who I dated said that he came looking for me three times. I have been told by several that they looked forward to my smile, that they missed me when I left and that I made a difference in their lives. Me? Laurie Lee Crilly? And I found myself wishing that I knew, I wished that I knew that I mattered. I thought maybe I would have made different choices in my life. Maybe I would have cared for myself had I known that I was an important person. And I found myself wishing that someone had told me that I mattered. But the voices inside my head repeated the things I had heard while growing up.... the voices I heard told me that I was worthless, stupid, a bitch, even crazy. I heard them loud and clear and treated myself as such.
Looking back wistfully over life is a waste of time and you know the truly sad part in my story is that someone did tell me. I have held in my possession the greatest love letter of all time. I hold in my hand a letter that tells me that I am worth dying for, that I have been crowned with glory and honor, that I have been given dominion and power, that I have an advocate constantly working on my behalf, that I stand clean and spotless before my Lord, that I have a father, that I have a helper, that I have a guide, that I am chosen of God, that I am blessed, that I am a conqueror, that I am above and not beneath, the head and not the tail, that I am favored, that I am heard...... My Bible tells me all of this and so much more.
I am so glad I now know who I am.
This story reminds me how the evil of the world tries to destroy us and why God sent his only son to deliver us into a rebirth, a fresh start for those that believe, trust in, rely on Jesus. Study the word of God to learn how to obtain this incredible gift. Learn how to work for the rewards in heaven that can not be stolen, rust and decay away, For our short lives are as vapor, compared to the eternal kingdom that will come soon after the coming tribulation.