When it comes to my children, I would love to be able to give them the world. It actually hurts my heart when they are in need of something and I cannot help them with it or provide it for them. It is like a heavy weight on my chest. On birthday's and holidays I dream so much bigger than what I can actually afford and I find myself wistfully thinking of what I would buy "if only"..... I have never been a materialistic person in any way but the one thing I would like to be able to afford.... to help my children when they are in need. (Okay.... that and good sheets because there is nothing like a bed made with good sheets after a long day!)
The Bible speaks of "our father". Galatians 4:6 says, "Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, "Abba, Father." If God is our father, I must assume that He feels as strongly about me as His child as I do toward my earthly children. He must long to give me the world.
Matthew 7:11 says, "If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" Wait a minute..... if I want to give my children the world and I am just an evil old sinner..... this says that God wants to give me even more!! The difference though, is not only in the amount of what He wishes to bestow upon me but in that.... He has already done it.
He died to give me dominion and authority over the earth, He lives to give me victory, He has given me healing, power, grace, mercy, forgiveness, love.... and yet, many times I have not taken it. If it hurts me to not be able to provide for my children, how much more must it hurt our heavenly Father when He offers gifts that we refuse to take and He looks down to see us struggling in lack?
Reach out and take the gifts He has given you.
good reminder! very nice!